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1 mars 2012 12:43
The house arrest of Mr Tshisekedi by Kabila is a serious violation of human rights. The real Congolese people are behind him and the EU plus the US support Mr Tshisekedi also the Congolese churches.
28 févr. 2012 02:21
Can ceni provide you with "proces verbaux - PV" of each "Bureau de Vote" signed by all the witnesses present at the end of the voting tally throughout the country??? This is what the law says, it must do. Ceni provided us with aggregated results of the elections. Where are the original PV's. Where is the truth??? The burden of proof does not fall on ET to prove he won.You are basing your argument on results that have been discredited by everyone inside and outside the DRC. These results are fraudulent and nothing else.Almost 3 months after the elections we can count the number of congratulations messages directed to the fraudulent winner who is basically living in hiding. He has been seen 3 times in public over 3 months. what a tragedy. Bismark
28 déc. 2011 12:48
Ask Tshisekedi to humble himself. He must not stick to the same haughty habit of rejecting others, "only himself." He made lot of misake in his life and even when his end is near, he doesn't change. Even we, young ones, see his lack of wisdom ... Humility makes someone STRONG.
23 déc. 2011 06:27
Tshitsekedi realy is making a fool of himself. His actions are those of a man who has gone insane. He seems not to know the very constitution he claims he wants to protect. He is a day dreamer.
20 déc. 2011 05:45
I pray that Mr. Etienne Tshisekedi should sit down and ask himself the question, for how long he has been fighting to be the president of DRC, sinse the time of the late president Mobutu, let him sit down, because he is old now please, let the young generation lead.
19 déc. 2011 03:19
Tshisekedi is mad, people supporting this guy are mad people too, because the 79 years olds guy is starting to behave like a child, look at him what kind of politician cry in front of the population, Tshisekedi.
19 déc. 2011 12:54
This small kabila must go. he can't use state machinery (his brigade, police, army and private army to take in hostage) this is not the way democratic election should be held. separate politics and army as well as police, if one holding on these three it impossible to get ride of the person from power. people from Congo i advise you; if realy want to liberate your country from that small dictactor; there are things to do: sacrifice and determination. example libya, egypt, tunisia, ivory cost. frou frou /south africa
17 déc. 2011 09:27
Carter Centre used diplomatic language "lacked credibility", "were not transparent" and "were seriously flawed" these simply mean not a valide election.
14 déc. 2011 12:17
We are facing one of the most disgraceful event in the DRC's history. A massive electoral hold up has occured by any standard but you choose to entertain people with titles like "Mosengwo is caught in a lie" which is your right but the big lie comes the Ceni, it is been proven everyday by new reports that this was a stick up.
14 déc. 2011 01:11
Au nom de quel dieu les opposants congolais se mettent - ils ensemblent aujourd'hui ? Incapables de de mettre d' accord avant le vote, on le voient crier au voleur maintenant ? Ces politiques egoistes hier, se sentent forts à cause des declaration de la fondation Carter et des declarations du cardinal. A ce stade, les declarations en elles meme ne comptent pas. Il faut des preuves palpables, opposables à ce que dèclare la CENI. Il est très facile de dire qu' il y a tricherie. La fondation Carter et le cardinal en collaboration avec les opposants doivent apporter des preuves. Cessons de jetter de l' huile sur le Feu !
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